Address: BP 24 Yaoundé, Yaoundé, 00024
Address: BP 24 Yaoundé, Yaoundé, 00024
Hotel des Deputes is an excellent choice for travelers visiting Yaounde, offering many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. Rooms at Hotel des Deputes offer air conditioning providing exceptional comfort and convenience, and guests can go online with free wifi. Room service is one of the conveniences offered at this hotel. A pool and a lounge will also help to make your stay even more special. Given the close proximity to Basilique Marie-Reine-des-Apotres (1.6 mi), guests of Hotel des Deputes can easily experience one of Yaounde's most popular landmarks. During your visit, be sure to check out one of Yaounde's popular Mediterranean restaurants such as Cafe de Yaounde, LE SAFOUTIER, and Ô Vive, all a short distance from Hotel des Deputes. There is no shortage of things to do in the area: explore popular monuments and statues such as Monument de la Réunification. Enjoy your stay in Yaounde!
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